7 best fat burning foods for women who will help you lose fast. weight is not easy to lose a few kilos more instantly you need to change your style of life to lose weight.

Best foods for women

In this article we focus on the best 10 foods women should include in their diet to burn fat and be thin before we go deep.

it's no surprise that what comes is directly correlated to how do you feel if you are eating healthy and you are burning more calories than you consume. if you are going to lose weight but not only that you will also have more energy fewer health problems better health mental. if you want to know the best foods that help you burn fat we made a list based on studies of the best foods to lose weight.

1. Tuna And Salmon  

Tuna and Salmon

This fish contain acids omega 3 that reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of disease. cardiovascular system and can help you to lose body fat. Fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein 80 grams of yellowfin tuna has 20 grams of protein. 100 grams of salmon have 20 grams of protein.

Digesting protein leads to increased sensation of fullness and this makes you eat mind a study conducted in Iceland revealed that can drop an extra kilogram weight in 4 weeks of diet hypocaloric when fish is added as the main protein in the diet.

 2. Yogurt 


Skimmed yogurt natural is a good source of minerals and vitamins contains various types of proteins. Such as casein and whey yogurt has 110 milligrams of calcium for each 100 grams foods rich in calcium help you break down and eliminate fat accumulated.

The role of calcium in yogurt skimming is to regulate the production of a hormone called cortisol that is generated in stressful situations and one of the causes of fat accumulation abdominal.

When consuming skimmed yogurt we achieve is to reduce the production of this hormone thus helping the body consume abdominal fat more easily and does not tend to accumulate the next to this we must highlight the low-fat content and calories in yogurts.

Skimmed something that makes next to the power of calcium. This is the best option to kill the hunger yogurt takes away your hunger improves your intestinal flora and decreases nutrient absorption problems.

3. The Egg

The Egg

Start the day with an egg has a greater satiating effect. Better intake calorie in lunch is an egg. It is a good food to lose weight since has a 50% higher satiety index regarding white bread or cereals with milk.

Compared to a breakfast of isocaloric donuts of equal weight the egg had a greater effect satiating which resulted in a better caloric intake at lunch. 

The decrease in the consumption of energy lasted at least 24 hours after breakfast the egg has vitamins like a b2 b12. We can find them in the egg and will provide us with much of the recommended daily amounts same happens with phosphorus minerals.

Selenium iron iodine and zinc an egg large contains 6.3 grams of protein egg whites contain most of the proteins but the yolks are packed with vitamins and nutrients. A study done by the university of san Luis in Minnesota revealed that having breakfast with egg accelerates weight loss in combination with a hypocaloric diet number.

4. Apples


A couple of apples every day are very effective to fight overweight. In apple pectin polyphenol carotenoids and fiber than mix with the water limit the amount of fat they can absorb cells.

Apples are also high in fiber which makes you feel filled one of the main advantages of the apple compared to other fruits is that contains few calories about 50 for every 100 grams. Which makes it perfect for a weight loss diet.

 It contains vitamins and minerals that help to eliminate fat antioxidants present in apple can prevent metabolic syndrome.

The combination of high cholesterol high blood pressure and diabetes tends to accompany the increase in waist circumference.



Berries contain antioxidants that help break down starch into simple sugars thus fewer sugars are released into the bloodstream.

This is a factor important when it comes to losing body fat since the insulin hormone produced by the pancreas transports excess sugar directly to fat cells the berries contain capsaicin which accelerates the loss of abdominal fat by increase the body's ability to converting food into energy is shown that berries can lower cholesterol and improve insulin and sugar levels in the blood. 

Besides being an excellent source of low-calorie fiber what makes it a perfect food for burn visceral fat 

6. Cinnamon


Cinnamon is a species that does not provide calories and helps burn fat according to recent studies cinnamon seems to have the power to help your body to metabolize the sugar.

 Cinnamon protects against obesity by its movie oil content 'cursed and lo that gives this distinctive flavor oil stimulates a process known as thermogenesis in fat cells during thermogenesis, The human body produces heat by burning calories to obtain energy so you can burn fat and lose weight.

 A study known for the university of Tehran showed that the consumption of 3 grams per cinnamon day manages to control blood sugar levels lose weight and improve metabolic syndrome after eight weeks.

7. Avocado


A tablespoon of avocado is one of the most effective to burn fat and combat hungry avocados are not only delicious in vitamin b that counteracts directly the stress hormone that builds abdominal fat but is high in fat monounsaturated.

Which ingested from moderate form may be beneficial for your health as they contribute to weight loss and reduction of cholesterol levels. A study held at the University of Loma Linda in

California proved that the high consumption of avocado over 32 grams per day manages to reduce the index of body mass and prevents the increase in weight.

I hope this will help you to burn fat soon